Welcome to my blog!

Me not-in-gym-gear shocker!

Me not-in-gym-gear shocker!

One of the big things I often tell my clients is that ‘you must try new things’…

Here’s my newest new thing - writing blog articles! I’d really like to share mine and my clients’ experiences with you and other tips and links to informative and interesting content concerning my favourite subject matter - HEALTH & FITNESS.

I’ll be interviewing my clients to get an insight into their thoughts and feelings around their journey (yes, it’s a journey). I’ll also be covering popular subject matters and hopefully dispelling a few myths.

We’re all about healthy weight loss here at Built By AP so there’ll be no dangerous ‘quick fix’ diet fads here…

Just sensible proven concepts discussed in an interesting way…

If there’s anything you’d like me to cover, get in touch!

Amy (the new J K Rowling) x

07531 616261

#personaltrainer #fitnessplan #workout