Client Q+A Lockdown Edition- Ellie

Today we chat to one of my long-term clients Ellie O, over the past two years we have worked together to build a healthy lifestyle that adds value and gives her confidence in her daily decisions.

With current lockdown situation changing so much in our “normal” routine, it really shows how making positive changes can help you stay motivated and on track, even in the most unlikely of events. 

Amy: Before the Lockdown what did your training routine look like? 

Ellie:I trained 5 times a week at the gym, mainly weight training. I would have a personal training session with Amy once a week. I’d always aim to get my step goal at work, as well as enjoying walking and running on my days off. 

 Amy: What does your training look like now?

 Ellie: My training now definitely depends on what kind of week I’m having. When lockdown first happened I went into it head on, full of adrenaline. Training every day and probably going for walks every other. As the weeks have gone on, I’ve realised that it’s okay to have “off” days and I’ve not got to go into it at full speed. Now I train probably 4 times a week, still having my personal training session once a week with Amy and still aiming to get my steps in at work. I’ve also dug out my old speed trampoline, which adds a bit of fun to my days!

 Amy: What are you doing at home that keeps your motivated? 

 Ellie: I’d say when you’ve gone through such a transformation and mind set change that I have, to just think “balls to it” and undo all of the hard work I’ve put in would be ludicrous! I’m still working full time so I’ve still got a reason to get up in a morning, which allows me to maintain my pre-lockdown routine of fitting my training round my shifts at work. However, I’m very fortunate to be blessed with a fabulous cook of a boyfriend, who loves his food just as much as I do! We’ve discovered Pinch of Nom recipe books, which has allowed us to experiment with the meals we’re eating, whilst still hitting my macros! 

“A healthy happy belly leads to a healthy happy MOTIVATED mind!”- Ellie


 Amy: Have you got any tips that you could share with us for training at home? 

 Ellie: ANYTHING, literally ANYTHING can be used as gym equipment. Home is the new gym. Seriously. “Ooohh what can I use for my workout today?!” My trusty old favourite is my curtain pole! However I’ve used cat litter bags, beer boxes stacked in bags, bottles of pop, the list goes on. Don’t let yourself be downbeat by not having barbells or dumbbells, just look around your house!

 Amy: How has having a Personal Trainer helped to keep you on track during lockdown? 

Ellie: Amy has been a godsend to me ever since she came into my life, she pulled me out of a tight web I was weaved into with a diet program. So as soon as lockdown hit I knew she’d have no problem finding a solution for us all. Our personal training sessions once a week, keep me motivated, make me smile and most definitely laugh. Amy’s there whenever I need her, even if it’s just for a rant or to ask for help with my resistance bands! I couldn’t ask for more from her. 

“Im not crying your crying” – Amy 

 Seeing Ellie’s creativity with her training and cooking is inspiring, she has taken the lockdown as an opportunity for learning and growth. Its been amazing to watch this transformation over the past two years and I couldn’t be more proud! Peaches keep on peaching! 

 Head over to Ellie’s Instagram page to see some training and recipe inspo! 


Speak soon!


Amy x

07531 616261

#personaltrainer #Homeworkouts #lockdown2020